Source code for evesrp.auth.bravecore

from __future__ import absolute_import
from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey, NIST256p
from braveapi.client import SignedAuth, API
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from flask import flash, url_for, redirect, abort, current_app, request
from hashlib import sha256
from binascii import unhexlify
from copy import deepcopy

from .. import db
from ..util import ensure_unicode
from . import AuthMethod
from .models import User, Group, Pilot

[docs]class BraveCore(AuthMethod):
[docs] def __init__(self, client_key, server_key, identifier, url='', **kwargs): """ Authentication method using a `Brave Core <>`_ instance. Uses the native Core API to authenticate users. Currently only supports a single character at a time due to limitations in Core's API. :param str client_key: The client's private key in hex form. :param str server_key: The server's public key for this app in hex form. :param str identifier: The identifier for this app in Core. :param str url: The URL of the Core instance to authenticate against. Default: '' :param str name: The user-facing name for this authentication method. Default: 'Brave Core' """ # Allow raw object instances of the keys for the time being # Client Key if not isinstance(client_key, SigningKey): try: client_key = self.hex2key(client_key) except ValueError: raise ValueError(u"BraveCore: client_key must be the key in " u"hex form.") # Server Key if not isinstance(server_key, VerifyingKey): try: server_key = self.hex2key(server_key) except ValueError: raise ValueError(u"BraveCore: server_key must be the key in " u"hex form.") self.api = API(url, identifier, client_key, server_key, current_app.requests_session).api if 'name' not in kwargs: kwargs['name'] = u'Brave Core' super(BraveCore, self).__init__(**kwargs)
@staticmethod def hex2key(hex_key): key_bytes = unhexlify(hex_key) if len(hex_key) == 64: return SigningKey.from_string(key_bytes, curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=sha256) elif len(hex_key) == 128: return VerifyingKey.from_string(key_bytes, curve=NIST256p, hashfunc=sha256) else: raise ValueError("Key in hex form is of the wrong length.") def login(self, form): # Redirect to Core for the authorization token. Give URLs to return to. # Sidenote: At this time, Brave has nearly 0 API documentation. The # kinda-sorta hidden TEST Auth API documentation is more complete. result_url = url_for('login.auth_method_login', _external=True, auth_method=self.safe_name) response = self.api.core.authorize(success=result_url, failure=result_url) core_url = response[u'location'] return redirect(core_url) def view(self): token = ensure_unicode(request.args.get('token')) if token is not None: info = # Fail if we don't get anything back from Core if info is None: flash(u"Login failed.", u'error')"Empty response from Core API for " u"token {}".format(token)) return redirect(url_for('login.login')) char_name = try: user = CoreUser.query.filter_by(name=char_name, user.token = token except NoResultFound: user = CoreUser(name=char_name,, token=token) db.session.add(user) # Apply admin flag user.admin = in self.admins # Sync up group membership for group_name in info.tags: try: group = CoreGroup.query.filter_by(name=group_name, except NoResultFound: group = CoreGroup(group_name, db.session.add(group) user.groups.add(group) user_groups = deepcopy(user.groups) for group in user_groups: if not in info.tags and group in user.groups: user.groups.remove(group) # Sync pilot (just the primary for now) pilot = Pilot.query.get( if not pilot: pilot = Pilot(user, char_name, db.session.add(pilot) else: pilot.user = user db.session.commit() self.login_user(user) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: flash(u"Login failed.", u'error') return redirect(url_for('login.login'))
class CoreUser(User): id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: The token given by Core to retrieve information about this user. #: Typically valid for 30 days. token = db.Column(db.String(100, convert_unicode=True)) class CoreGroup(Group): id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) description = db.Column(db.Text(convert_unicode=True))