Source code for evesrp.auth.models

from __future__ import absolute_import
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from itertools import groupby
import os
import pickle
from flask import url_for
import six
from six.moves import filter
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection, collection

from .. import db
from . import AuthMethod, PermissionType
from ..util import AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName, unistr, ensure_unicode
from ..models import Action, Modifier, Request

if six.PY3:
    unicode = str

users_groups = db.Table('users_groups', db.Model.metadata,
        db.Column('user_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')),
        db.Column('group_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')))

[docs]class Entity(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName): """Private class for shared functionality between :py:class:`User` and :py:class:`Group`. This class defines a number of helper methods used indirectly by User and Group subclasses such as automatically defining the table name and mapper arguments. This class should `not` be inherited from directly, instead either :py:class:`User` or :py:class:`Group` should be used. """ #: The name of the entity. Usually a nickname. name = db.Column(db.String(100, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) #: Polymorphic discriminator column. type_ = db.Column(db.String(50, convert_unicode=True)) #: :py:class:`Permission`\s associated specifically with this entity. entity_permissions = db.relationship('Permission', back_populates='entity', collection_class=set, cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge', lazy='dynamic') #: The name of the :py:class:`AuthMethod` for this entity. authmethod = db.Column(db.String(50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) @declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """SQLAlchemy late-binding attribute to set mapper arguments. Obviates subclasses from having to specify polymorphic identities. """ cls_name = unicode(cls.__name__) args = {'polymorphic_identity': cls_name} if cls_name == u'Entity': args['polymorphic_on'] = cls.type_ return args def __init__(self, name, authmethod, **kwargs): = ensure_unicode(name) self.authmethod = ensure_unicode(authmethod) super(Entity, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return "{x.__class__.__name__}('{}')".format(x=self) def __unicode__(self): return u"{}".format(x=self)
[docs] def has_permission(self, permissions, division_or_request=None): """Returns if this entity has been granted a permission in a division. If ``division_or_request`` is ``None``, this method checks if this group has the given permission in `any` division. :param permissions: The series of permissions to check :type permissions: iterable :param division_or_request: The division to check. May also be ``None`` or an SRP request. :type division: :py:class:`Division` or :py:class:`~.models.Request` :rtype: bool """ if permissions in PermissionType.all: permissions = (permissions,) # admin permission includes the reviewer and payer privileges if PermissionType.admin not in permissions and \ PermissionType.elevated.issuperset(permissions): if self.has_permission(PermissionType.admin, division_or_request): return True perms = self.permissions.filter(Permission.permission.in_(permissions)) if division_or_request is not None: # requests have a 'division' attribute, so we check for that if hasattr(division_or_request, 'division'): division = division_or_request.division else: division = division_or_request perms = perms.filter_by(division=division) return db.session.query(perms.exists()).all()[0][0]
def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Entity, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'name'] = parent[u'source'] = self.authmethod return parent
[docs]class APIKey(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName, Timestamped): """Represents an API key for use with the :ref:`external-api`.""" user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`User` this key belongs to. user = db.relationship('User', back_populates='api_keys', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The raw key data. key = db.Column(db.LargeBinary(32), nullable=False) def __init__(self, user): self.user = user self.key = os.urandom(32) @property
[docs] def hex_key(self): """The key data in a modified base-64 format safe for use in URLs.""" return urlsafe_b64encode(self.key).decode('utf-8').replace(u'=', u',')
def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(APIKey, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'key'] = self.hex_key parent[u'timestamp'] = self.timestamp return parent
[docs]class User(Entity): """User base class. Represents users who can submit, review and/or pay out requests. It also supplies a number of convenience methods for subclasses. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: If the user is an administrator. This allows the user to create and #: administer divisions. admin = db.Column(db.Boolean(name='admin_bool'), nullable=False, default=False) #: :py:class:`~.Request`\s this user has submitted. requests = db.relationship(Request, back_populates='submitter') #: :py:class:`~.Action`\s this user has performed on requests. actions = db.relationship(Action, back_populates='user') #: :py:class:`~.Pilot`\s associated with this user. pilots = db.relationship('Pilot', back_populates='user', collection_class=set) #: :py:class:`Group`\s this user is a member of groups = db.relationship('Group', secondary=users_groups, back_populates='users', collection_class=set) notes = db.relationship('Note', back_populates='user', order_by='desc(Note.timestamp)', foreign_keys='Note.user_id') notes_made = db.relationship('Note', back_populates='noter', order_by='desc(Note.timestamp)', foreign_keys='Note.noter_id') api_keys = db.relationship(APIKey, back_populates='user') @hybrid_property def permissions(self): """All :py:class:`Permission` objects associated with this user.""" groups = db.session.query(users_groups.c.group_id.label('group_id'))\ .filter( group_perms = db.session.query(Permission)\ .join(groups, groups.c.group_id==Permission.entity_id) user_perms = db.session.query(Permission)\ .join(User)\ .filter( perms = user_perms.union(group_perms) return perms @permissions.expression def permissions(cls): groups =[users_groups.c.group_id])\ .where( group_permissions =[Permission])\ .where(Permission.entity_id.in_(groups)).alias() user_permissions =[Permission])\ .where( return user_permissions.union(group_permissions) @property
[docs] def is_authenticated(self): """Part of the interface for Flask-Login.""" return True
[docs] def is_active(self): """Part of the interface for Flask-Login.""" return True
[docs] def is_anonymous(self): """Part of the interface for Flask-Login.""" return False
[docs] def get_id(self): """Part of the interface for Flask-Login.""" return str(
[docs] def submit_divisions(self): """Get a list of the divisions this user is able to submit requests to. :returns: A list of tuples. The tuples are in the form (, :rtype: list """ submit_perms = self.permissions\ .filter_by(permission=PermissionType.submit)\ .subquery() divisions = db.session.query(Division).join(submit_perms)\ .order_by( # Remove duplicates and sort divisions by name choices = [] for name, group in groupby(divisions, lambda d: choices.append((, name)) return choices
def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(User, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'href'] = url_for('api.user_detail', return parent
[docs]class Note(db.Model, AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName): """A note about a particular :py:class:`User`.""" user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`User` this note refers to. user = db.relationship(User, back_populates='notes', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge', foreign_keys=[user_id]) #: The actual contents of this note. content = db.Column(db.Text(convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) noter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The author of this note. noter = db.relationship(User, back_populates='notes_made', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge', foreign_keys=[noter_id]) def __init__(self, user, noter, note): self.user = user self.noter = noter self.content = ensure_unicode(note)
[docs]class Pilot(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName): """Represents an in-game character.""" # Character names in Eve are resticted to ASCII, but use unicode for # consistency with the rest of the database columns (and if they ever # decide to lift this restriction). #: The name of the character name = db.Column(db.String(150, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) #: The id of the User this character belongs to. user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) #: The User this character belongs to. user = db.relationship(User, back_populates='pilots') #: The Requests filed with lossmails from this character. requests = db.relationship(Request, back_populates='pilot', collection_class=list, order_by=Request.timestamp.desc())
[docs] def __init__(self, user, name, id_): """Create a new Pilot instance. :param user: The user this character belpongs to. :type user: :py:class:`~.User` :param str name: The name of this character. :param int id_: The CCP-given characterID number. """ self.user = user = ensure_unicode(name) = id_
def __repr__(self): return "{x.__class__.__name__}({x.user}, '{}', {})".format( x=self) def __unicode__(self): return def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Pilot, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'name'] = if extended: parent[u'user'] = self.user parent[u'requests'] = self.requests return parent
[docs]class Group(Entity): """Base class for a group of users. Represents a group of users. Usable for granting permissions to submit, evaluate and pay. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: :py:class:`User` s that belong to this group. users = db.relationship(User, secondary=users_groups, back_populates='groups', collection_class=set) #: Synonym for :py:attr:`entity_permissions` permissions = db.synonym('entity_permissions') def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Group, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'href'] = url_for('api.group_detail', if extended: parent[u'count'] = len(self.users) return parent
[docs]class Permission(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName): __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('division_id', 'entity_id', 'permission', name='division_entity_permission'), ) division_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The division this permission is granting access to division = db.relationship('Division', back_populates='division_permissions', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') entity_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`Entity` being granted access entity = db.relationship(Entity, back_populates='entity_permissions', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The permission being granted. permission = db.Column(PermissionType.db_type(), nullable=False)
[docs] def __init__(self, division, permission, entity): """Create a Permission object granting an entity access to a division. """ self.division = division self.entity = entity self.permission = permission
def __repr__(self): return ("{x.__class__.__name__}('{x.permission}', {x.entity}, " "{x.division})").format(x=self)
[docs]class TransformerRef(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName): """Stores associations between :py:class:`~.Transformer`\s and :py:class:`.Division`\s. """ __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('division_id', 'attribute_name', name='division_transformer'), ) #: The attribute this transformer is applied to. attribute_name = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False) #: The transformer instance. # Force pickle protocol to version 2, to support the same DB across Py3 and # Py2. transformer = db.Column(db.PickleType(protocol=2), nullable=True) division_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The division the transformer is associated with division = db.relationship('Division', back_populates='division_transformers', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') @db.validates('transformer') def prune_null_transformers(self, attr, transformer): """Removes :py:class:`TransformerRef`\s when :py:attr:`.transformer` is removed. """ if transformer is None: self.division = None return transformer
[docs]class Division(db.Model, AutoID, AutoName): """A reimbursement division. A division has (possibly non-intersecting) groups of people that can submit requests, review requests, and pay out requests. """ #: The name of this division. name = db.Column(db.String(128, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) #: All :py:class:`Permission`\s associated with this division. division_permissions = db.relationship(Permission, back_populates='division', cascade='all,delete-orphan', collection_class=set) #: :py:class:`Request` s filed under this division. requests = db.relationship(Request, back_populates='division', cascade='all,delete-orphan') division_transformers = db.relationship(TransformerRef, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('attribute_name'), back_populates='division', cascade='all,delete-orphan') #: A mapping of attribute names to :py:class:`~.transformer.Transformer` #: instances. transformers = association_proxy( 'division_transformers', 'transformer', creator=lambda attr, trans: TransformerRef(attribute_name=attr, transformer=trans)) @property
[docs] def permissions(self): """The permissions objects for this division, mapped via their permission names. """ class _PermProxy(object): def __init__(self, perms): self.perms = perms def __getitem__(self, key): return set(filter(lambda x: x.permission == key, self.perms)) return _PermProxy(self.division_permissions)
def __init__(self, name): = ensure_unicode(name) def __repr__(self): return "{x.__class__.__name__}('{}')".format(x=self) def __unicode__(self): return u"{}".format( def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Division, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'href'] = url_for('divisions.get_division_details', parent[u'name'] = if extended: entities = {} for perm in PermissionType.all: members = [] for member in [p.entity for p in self.permissions[perm]]: members.append(member._json(extended)) entities[] = members parent[u'entities'] = entities return parent