Source code for evesrp.models

from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime as dt
from decimal import Decimal
import six
from six.moves import filter, map, range
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.event import listens_for
from sqlalchemy.schema import DDL, DropIndex
from flask import Markup, current_app, url_for
from flask_babel import gettext, lazy_gettext
from flask_login import current_user

from . import db
from .util import DeclEnum, classproperty, AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName,\
        unistr, ensure_unicode, PrettyDecimal, PrettyNumeric, DateTime
from .auth import PermissionType

if six.PY3:
    unicode = str

[docs]class ActionType(DeclEnum): # The actual stored values are single character to make it easier on # engines that don't support native enum types. # TRANS: Name of the status a request is in when it has been submitted and # TRANS: is ready to be evaluated. evaluating = u'evaluating', lazy_gettext(u'Evaluating') """Status for a request being evaluated.""" # TRANS: Name of the status where a request has had a payout amount set, # TRANS: and is ready to be paid out. In other words, approved for payout. approved = u'approved', lazy_gettext(u'Approved') """Status for a request that has been evaluated and is awaitng payment.""" # TRANS: Name of the status a request is in if the ISK has been sent to the # TRANS: requesting person, and no further action is needed. paid = u'paid', lazy_gettext(u'Paid') """Status for a request that has been paid. This is a terminatint state.""" # TRANS: Name of the status a request has where a reviewer has rejected the # TRANS: request for SRP. rejected = u'rejected', lazy_gettext(u'Rejected') """Status for a requests that has been rejected. This is a terminating state. """ # TRANS: When a request needs more information to be approved or rejected, # TRANS: it is in this status. incomplete = u'incomplete', lazy_gettext(u'Incomplete') """Status for a request that is missing details and needs further action. """ # TRANS: A comment made on a request. comment = u'comment', lazy_gettext(u'Comment') """A special type of :py:class:`Action` representing a comment made on the request. """ @classproperty
[docs] def finalized(cls): return frozenset((cls.paid, cls.rejected))
[docs] def pending(cls): return frozenset((cls.evaluating, cls.approved, cls.incomplete))
[docs] def statuses(cls): return frozenset((cls.evaluating, cls.approved, cls.paid, cls.rejected, cls.incomplete))
[docs]class ActionError(ValueError): """Error raised for invalid state changes for a :py:class:`Request`.""" pass
[docs]class Action(db.Model, AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName): """Actions change the state of a Request. :py:class:`Request`\s enforce permissions when actions are added to them. If the user adding the action does not have the appropriate :py:class:`~.Permission`\s in the request's :py:class:`Division`, an :py:exc:`ActionError` will be raised. With the exception of the :py:attr:`comment <ActionType.comment>` action (which just adds text to a request), actions change the :py:attr:`~Request.status` of a Request. """ #: The action be taken. See :py:class:`ActionType` for possible values. # See set_request_type below for the effect setting this attribute has on # the parent Request. type_ = db.Column(ActionType.db_type(), nullable=False) #: The ID of the :py:class:`Request` this action applies to. request_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) #: The :py:class:`Request` this action applies to. request = db.relationship('Request', back_populates='actions', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The ID of the :py:class:`~.User` who made this action. user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`~.User` who made this action. user = db.relationship('User', back_populates='actions', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: Any additional notes for this action. note = db.Column(db.Text(convert_unicode=True)) def __init__(self, request, user, note=None, type_=None): if type_ is not None: self.type_ = type_ self.user = user self.note = ensure_unicode(note) # timestamp has to be an actual value (besides None) before the request # is set so thhe request's validation doesn't fail. self.timestamp = dt.datetime.utcnow() self.request = request def __repr__(self): return "{x.__class__.__name__}({x.request}, {x.user}, {x.type_})".\ format(x=self) def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Action, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'type'] = self.type_ if extended: parent[u'note'] = self.note or u'' parent[u'timestamp'] = self.timestamp parent[u'user'] = self.user return parent
[docs]class ModifierError(ValueError): """Error raised when a modification is attempted to a :py:class:`Request` when it's in an invalid state. """ pass
[docs]class Modifier(db.Model, AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName): """Modifiers apply bonuses or penalties to Requests. This is an abstract base class for the pair of concrete implementations. Modifiers can be voided at a later date. The user who voided a modifier and when it was voided are recorded. :py:class:`Request`\s enforce permissions when modifiers are added. If the user adding a modifier does not have the appropriate :py:class:`~.Permission`\s in the request's :py:class:`~.Division`, a :py:exc:`ModifierError` will be raised. """ #: Discriminator column for SQLAlchemy _type = db.Column(db.String(20, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) #: The ID of the :py:class:`Request` this modifier applies to. request_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) #: The :py:class:`Request` this modifier applies to. request = db.relationship('Request', back_populates='modifiers', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The ID of the :py:class`~.User` who added this modifier. user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`~.User` who added this modifier. user = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[user_id], cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: Any notes explaining this modification. note = db.Column(db.Text(convert_unicode=True)) #: The ID of the :py:class:`~.User` who voided this modifier (if voided). voided_user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) #: The :py:class:`~.User` who voided this modifier if it has been voided. voided_user = db.relationship('User', foreign_keys=[voided_user_id], cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: If this modifier has been voided, this will be the timestamp of when it #: was voided. voided_timestamp = db.Column(DateTime) @hybrid_property def voided(self): return self.voided_user is not None and \ self.voided_timestamp is not None @classmethod def _voided_select(cls): """Create a subquery with two columns, ``modifier_id`` and ``voided``. Used for the expressions of :py:attr:`voided` and :py:attr:`Request.payout`. """ user =['modifier_id'), cls.voided_user_id.label('user_id')]).alias('user_sub') timestamp =['modifier_id'), cls.voided_timestamp.label('timestamp')]).alias('timestamp_sub') columns = [ db.and_( user.c.user_id != None, timestamp.c.timestamp != None).label('voided'), user.c.modifier_id.label('modifier_id'), ] return user.c.modifier_id == timestamp.c.modifier_id)\ .alias('voided_sub') @voided.expression
[docs] def voided(cls): return cls._voided_select().c.voided
@declared_attr def __mapper_args__(cls): """SQLAlchemy late-binding attribute to set mapper arguments. Obviates subclasses from having to specify polymorphic identities. """ cls_name = unicode(cls.__name__) args = {'polymorphic_identity': cls_name} if cls_name == u'Modifier': args['polymorphic_on'] = cls._type return args def __init__(self, request, user, note, value): self.user = user self.note = ensure_unicode(note) self.value = value self.request = request def __repr__(self): return ("{x.__class__.__name__}({x.request}, {x.user}," "{x}, {x.voided})".format(x=self, value=self))
[docs] def void(self, user): """Mark this modifier as void. :param user: The user voiding this modifier :type user: :py:class:`~.User` """ if self.request.status != ActionType.evaluating: # TRANS: Error message shown when trying to void (cancel) a # modifier but the request is not in the evaluating state, so the # attempt fails. raise ModifierError(gettext(u"Modifiers can only be voided when " u"the request is in the evaluating " u"state.")) if not user.has_permission(, self.request.division): # TRANS: Error message shown when you attempt to void a modifier # but are prevented from doing so because you do not hold the # reviewer permission. raise ModifierError("You must be a reviewer to be able to void " "modifiers.") self.voided_user = user self.voided_timestamp = dt.datetime.utcnow()
@db.validates('request') def _check_request_status(self, attr, request): if current_app.config['SRP_SKIP_VALIDATION']: return request if request.status != ActionType.evaluating: raise ModifierError(gettext(u"Modifiers can only be added when the" u" request is in an evaluating " u"state.")) if not self.user.has_permission(, request.division): raise ModifierError(gettext(u"Only reviewers can add modifiers.")) return request def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Modifier, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'value'] = self.value if extended: parent[u'note'] = self.note or u'' parent[u'timestamp'] = self.timestamp parent[u'user'] = self.user if self.voided: parent[u'void'] = { u'user': self.voided_user, u'timestamp': self.voided_timestamp, } else: parent[u'void'] = False else: parent[u'void'] = self.voided return parent
[docs]class AbsoluteModifier(Modifier): """Subclass of :py:class:`Modifier` for representing absolute modifications. Absolute modifications are those that are not dependent on the value of :py:attr:`Request.base_payout`. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: How much ISK to add or remove from the payout value = db.Column(PrettyNumeric(precision=15, scale=2), nullable=False, default=Decimal(0)) def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(AbsoluteModifier, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'type'] = 'absolute' return parent
[docs]class RelativeModifier(Modifier): """Subclass of :py:class:`Modifier` for representing relative modifiers. Relative modifiers depend on the value of :py:attr:`Modifier.base_payout` to calculate their effect. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) #: What percentage of the payout to add or remove value = db.Column(db.Numeric(precision=8, scale=5), nullable=False, default=Decimal(0)) def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(RelativeModifier, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'type'] = 'relative' return parent
[docs]class Request(db.Model, AutoID, Timestamped, AutoName): """Requests represent SRP requests.""" #: The ID of the :py:class:`~.User` who submitted this request. submitter_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) #: The :py:class:`~.User` who submitted this request. submitter = db.relationship('User', back_populates='requests', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The ID of the :py:class`~.Division` this request was submitted to. division_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`~.Division` this request was submitted to. division = db.relationship('Division', back_populates='requests', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: A list of :py:class:`Action`\s that have been applied to this request, #: sorted in the order they were applied. actions = db.relationship('Action', back_populates='request', cascade='all,delete-orphan', order_by='desc(Action.timestamp)') #: A list of all :py:class:`Modifier`\s that have been applied to this #: request, regardless of wether they have been voided or not. They're #: sorted in the order they were added. modifiers = db.relationship('Modifier', back_populates='request', cascade='all,delete-orphan', lazy='dynamic', order_by='desc(Modifier.timestamp)') #: The URL of the source killmail. killmail_url = db.Column(db.String(512, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False) #: The ID of the :py:class:`~.Pilot` for the killmail. pilot_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The :py:class:`~.Pilot` who was the victim in the killmail. pilot = db.relationship('Pilot', back_populates='requests', cascade='save-update,merge,refresh-expire,expunge') #: The corporation of the :py:attr:`pilot` at the time of the killmail. corporation = db.Column(db.String(150, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False, index=True) #: The alliance of the :py:attr:`pilot` at the time of the killmail. alliance = db.Column(db.String(150, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True, index=True) #: The type of ship that was destroyed. ship_type = db.Column(db.String(75, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False, index=True) # TODO: include timezones #: The date and time of when the ship was destroyed. kill_timestamp = db.Column(DateTime, nullable=False, index=True) base_payout = db.Column(PrettyNumeric(precision=15, scale=2), default=Decimal(0)) """The base payout for this request. This value is clamped to a lower limit of 0. It can only be changed when this request is in an :py:attr:`~ActionType.evaluating` state, or else a :py:exc:`ModifierError` will be raised. """ #: The payout for this requests taking into account all active modifiers. payout = db.Column(PrettyNumeric(precision=15, scale=2), default=Decimal(0), index=True, nullable=False) #: Supporting information for the request. details = db.deferred(db.Column(db.Text(convert_unicode=True))) #: The current status of this request status = db.Column(ActionType.db_type(), nullable=False, default=ActionType.evaluating) """This attribute is automatically kept in sync as :py:class:`Action`\s are added to the request. It should not be set otherwise. At the time an :py:class:`Action` is added to this request, the type of action is checked and the state diagram below is enforced. If the action is invalid, an :py:exc:`ActionError` is raised. .. digraph:: request_workflow rankdir="LR"; sub [label="submitted", shape=plaintext]; node [style="dashed, filled"]; eval [label="evaluating", fillcolor="#fcf8e3"]; rej [label="rejected", style="solid, filled", fillcolor="#f2dede"]; app [label="approved", fillcolor="#d9edf7"]; inc [label="incomplete", fillcolor="#f2dede"]; paid [label="paid", style="solid, filled", fillcolor="#dff0d8"]; sub -> eval; eval -> rej [label="R"]; eval -> app [label="R"]; eval -> inc [label="R"]; rej -> eval [label="R"]; inc -> eval [label="R, S"]; inc -> rej [label="R"]; app -> paid [label="P"]; app -> eval [label="R"]; paid -> eval [label="P"]; paid -> app [label="P"]; R means a reviewer can make that change, S means the submitter can make that change, and P means payers can make that change. Solid borders are terminal states. """ #: The solar system this loss occured in. system = db.Column(db.String(25, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False, index=True) #: The constellation this loss occured in. constellation = db.Column(db.String(25, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False, index=True) #: The region this loss occured in. region = db.Column(db.String(25, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False, index=True) @hybrid_property def finalized(self): return self.status in ActionType.finalized @finalized.expression
[docs] def finalized(cls): return db.or_(cls.status == ActionType.paid, cls.status == ActionType.rejected)
[docs] def __init__(self, submitter, details, division, killmail, **kwargs): """Create a :py:class:`Request`. :param submitter: The user submitting this request :type submitter: :py:class:`~.User` :param str details: Supporting details for this request :param division: The division this request is being submitted to :type division: :py:class:`~.Division` :param killmail: The killmail this request pertains to :type killmail: :py:class:`~.Killmail` """ with db.session.no_autoflush: self.division = division self.details = details self.submitter = submitter # Pull basically everything else from the killmail object # The base Killmail object has an iterator defined that returns tuples # of Request attributes and values for those attributes for attr, value in killmail: setattr(self, attr, value) # Set default values before a flush if self.base_payout is None and 'base_payout' not in kwargs: self.base_payout = Decimal(0) super(Request, self).__init__(**kwargs)
@db.validates('base_payout') def _validate_payout(self, attr, value): """Ensures that base_payout is positive. The value is clamped to 0.""" if current_app.config['SRP_SKIP_VALIDATION']: return Decimal(value) # Allow self.status == None, as the base payout may be set in the # initializing state before the status has been set. if self.status == ActionType.evaluating or self.status is None: if value is None or value < 0: return Decimal('0') else: return Decimal(value) else: raise ModifierError(gettext(u"The request must be in the " u"evaluating state to change the base " u"payout.")) state_rules = { ActionType.evaluating: { ActionType.incomplete: (, PermissionType.admin), ActionType.rejected: (, PermissionType.admin), ActionType.approved: (, PermissionType.admin), }, ActionType.incomplete: { ActionType.rejected: (, PermissionType.admin), # Special case: the submitter can change it to evaluating by # changing the division or updating the details. ActionType.evaluating: (, PermissionType.admin), }, ActionType.rejected: { ActionType.evaluating: (, PermissionType.admin), }, ActionType.approved: { # Special case: the submitter can change it to evaluating by # changing the division. ActionType.evaluating: (, PermissionType.admin), ActionType.paid: (, PermissionType.admin), }, ActionType.paid: { ActionType.approved: (, PermissionType.admin), ActionType.evaluating: (, PermissionType.admin), }, }
[docs] def valid_actions(self, user): """Get valid actions (besides comment) the given user can perform.""" possible_actions = self.state_rules[self.status] def action_filter(action): return user.has_permission(possible_actions[action], self.division) return filter(action_filter, possible_actions)
@db.validates('status') def _validate_status(self, attr, new_status): """Enforces that status changes follow the status state machine. When an invalid change is attempted, :py:class:`ActionError` is raised. """ if current_app.config['SRP_SKIP_VALIDATION']: return new_status if new_status == ActionType.comment: raise ValueError(gettext( u"Comment is not a valid status")) # Initial status if self.status is None: return new_status rules = self.state_rules[self.status] if new_status not in rules: error_text = gettext(u"%(new_status)s is not a valid status to " u"change to from %(old_status)s.", new_status=new_status, old_status=self.status) raise ActionError(error_text) return new_status @db.validates('actions') def _verify_action_permissions(self, attr, action): """Verifies that permissions for Actions being added to a Request.""" if current_app.config['SRP_SKIP_VALIDATION']: return action if action.type_ is None: # Action.type_ are not nullable, so rely on the fact that it will # be set later to let it slide now. return action elif action.type_ != ActionType.comment: # Peek behind the curtain to see the history of the status # attribute. status_history = db.inspect(self).attrs.status.history if status_history.has_changes(): new_status = status_history.added[0] old_status = status_history.deleted[0] else: new_status = action.type_ old_status = self.status rules = self.state_rules[old_status] permissions = rules[new_status] # Handle the special cases called out in state_rules if action.user == self.submitter and \ new_status == ActionType.evaluating and \ old_status in ActionType.pending: # Equivalent to self.status in (approved, incomplete) as # going from evaluating to evaluating is invalid (as checked by # the status validator). return action if not action.user.has_permission(permissions, self.division): raise ActionError(gettext(u"Insufficient permissions to " u"perform that action.")) elif action.type_ == ActionType.comment: if action.user != self.submitter \ and not action.user.has_permission( (,, PermissionType.admin), self.division): raise ActionError(gettext(u"You must either own or have " u"special privileges to comment on " u"this request.")) return action def __repr__(self): return "{x.__class__.__name__}({x.submitter}, {x.division}, {})".\ format(x=self) @property
[docs] def transformed(self): """Get a special HTML representation of an attribute. Divisions can have a transformer defined on various attributes that output a URL associated with that attribute. This property provides easy access to the output of any transformed attributes on this request. """ class RequestTransformer(object): def __init__(self, request): self._request = request def __getattr__(self, attr): raw_value = getattr(self._request, attr) if attr in self._request.division.transformers: transformer = self._request.division.transformers[attr] return Markup(u'<a href="{link}" target="_blank">' u'{value} <i class="fa fa-external-link">' u'</i></a>').format( link=transformer(raw_value), value=str(raw_value)) else: return raw_value def __iter__(self): for attr, transformer in\ self._request.division.transformers.items(): if attr == 'ship_type': yield ('ship', transformer(getattr(self._request, attr))) else: yield (attr, transformer(getattr(self._request, attr))) return RequestTransformer(self)
def _json(self, extended=False): try: parent = super(Request, self)._json(extended) except AttributeError: parent = {} parent[u'href'] = url_for('requests.get_request_details', attrs = (u'killmail_url', u'kill_timestamp', u'pilot', u'alliance', u'corporation', u'submitter', u'division', u'status', u'base_payout', u'payout', u'details', u'id', u'ship_type', u'system', u'constellation', u'region') for attr in attrs: if attr == u'ship_type': parent['ship'] = self.ship_type elif u'payout' in attr: payout = getattr(self, attr) parent[attr] = payout.currency() else: parent[attr] = getattr(self, attr) parent[u'submit_timestamp'] = self.timestamp if extended: parent[u'actions'] = map(lambda a: a._json(True), self.actions) parent[u'modifiers'] = map(lambda m: m._json(True), self.modifiers) parent[u'valid_actions'] = self.valid_actions(current_user) parent[u'transformed'] = dict(self.transformed) return parent # Define event listeners for syncing the various denormalized attributes
@listens_for(Action.type_, 'set') def _action_type_to_request_status(action, new_status, old_status, initiator): """Set the Action's Request's status when the Action's type is changed.""" if action.request is not None and new_status != ActionType.comment: action.request.status = new_status @listens_for(Request.actions, 'append') def _request_status_from_actions(srp_request, action, initiator): """Updates Request.status when new Actions are added.""" # Pass when Action.type_ is None, as it'll get updated later if action.type_ is not None and action.type_ != ActionType.comment: srp_request.status = action.type_ @listens_for(Request.base_payout, 'set') def _recalculate_payout_from_request(srp_request, base_payout, *args): """Recalculate a Request's payout when the base payout changes.""" if base_payout is None: base_payout = Decimal(0) voided = Modifier._voided_select() modifiers = srp_request.modifiers.join(voided,\ .filter(~voided.c.voided)\ .order_by(False) absolute = modifiers.join(AbsoluteModifier).\ with_entities(db.func.sum(AbsoluteModifier.value)).\ scalar() if not isinstance(absolute, Decimal): absolute = Decimal(0) relative = modifiers.join(RelativeModifier).\ with_entities(db.func.sum(RelativeModifier.value)).\ scalar() if not isinstance(relative, Decimal): relative = Decimal(0) payout = (base_payout + absolute) * (Decimal(1) + relative) srp_request.payout = PrettyDecimal(payout) @listens_for(Modifier.request, 'set', propagate=True) @listens_for(Modifier.voided_user, 'set', propagate=True) def _recalculate_payout_from_modifier(modifier, value, *args): """Recalculate a Request's payout when it gains a Modifier or when one of its Modifiers is voided. """ # Force a flush at the beginning, then delay other flushes db.session.flush() with db.session.no_autoflush: # Get the request for this modifier if isinstance(value, Request): # Triggered by setting Modifier.request srp_request = value else: # Triggered by setting Modifier.voided_user srp_request = modifier.request voided = Modifier._voided_select() modifiers = srp_request.modifiers.join(voided,\ .filter(~voided.c.voided)\ .order_by(False) absolute = modifiers.join(AbsoluteModifier).\ with_entities(db.func.sum(AbsoluteModifier.value)).\ scalar() if not isinstance(absolute, Decimal): absolute = Decimal(0) relative = modifiers.join(RelativeModifier).\ with_entities(db.func.sum(RelativeModifier.value)).\ scalar() if not isinstance(relative, Decimal): relative = Decimal(0) # The modifier that's changed isn't reflected yet in the database, so we # apply it here. if isinstance(value, Request): # A modifier being added to the Request if modifier.voided: # The modifier being added is already void return direction = Decimal(1) else: # A modifier already on a request is being voided direction = Decimal(-1) if isinstance(modifier, AbsoluteModifier): absolute += direction * modifier.value elif isinstance(modifier, RelativeModifier): relative += direction * modifier.value payout = (srp_request.base_payout + absolute) * \ (Decimal(1) + relative) srp_request.payout = PrettyDecimal(payout) # The next few lines are responsible for adding a full text search index on the # Request.details column for MySQL. _create_fts = DDL('CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ix_%(table)s_details_fulltext ' 'ON %(table)s (details);') _drop_fts = DDL('DROP INDEX ix_%(table)s_details_fulltext ON %(table)s') event.listen( Request.__table__, 'after_create', _create_fts.execute_if(dialect='mysql') ) event.listen( Request.__table__, 'before_drop', _drop_fts.execute_if(dialect='mysql') )